“If you’re recording notes for an official record, I’d like the word ‘very’ stricken and replaced with ‘exceptionally.”
― Kasie West, The Distance Between Us
THIS BOOK! I only have one complaint and that is that I wanted - no needed - MORE! There's not a single thing wrong with this book, the cover is beautiful, writing is witty and fun, full of laughs and tears, overall an awesome summer read.
In summary, The Distance Between Us is a story about a girl living with her single mom above their doll store. The family history is bleak at best, mom got pregnant by rich boy, rich boy left, parents disowned her mom, and presto this is their life. With few customers looking to shop in a store filled with dolls watching them they have one regular, a rich older lady who sends her grandson in to pick up a doll for her. And this little rich boy is fascinated by exceptionally sarcastic Caymen, after a few run ins, he continues his efforts to get into her life, bringing her hot chocolate every morning and asking the deep questions about life.
Both unsure of what they really want besides the future that's been put on their shoulders (Caymen running the doll shop, and Xander running the family hotel business) they set out on weekly career days in search of what the other sees as a potential future for them. Little by little they begin to fall for eachother, but with such different lifestyles how is it ever going to work.
Once it's official, they're together, Caymen still can't understand how his family is so accepting of her - thinking all rich people (like her father) would run in the other direction. But at Xanders Mother's benefit she realizes why, Xander thinks she is rich and he mother is just trying to give her a "real life" experience. Because only a few tables over from them are her Richy Rich Grandparents. And so the perfect storm begins, thinking he only likes her because he believes she's rich, him believing his ass-hat friend that she was seeing another guy, Caymen runs home, only to find that the stress of her business falling apart has made her mother sick.
Then of course, the calm after the storm. Richy rich grandparents are truly wonderful and want to be a part of their lives, Xander only found out about her grandparents money a few weeks prior to the benefit - long after falling in love with her - and he mother will be alright, as will her business with her family back on her side.
Such an adorable story, I loved every funny-happy-sad-silly minute of it, and intend on reading many of Kasie Wests other books.
Thanks for reading!
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