Ahh I am so in love with Kasie West! Such a sweet adorable story.
In summary this follows Charlie during her summer before year 11, in a family of all boys she never really had boyfriends or even thought guys liked her like that because she was always "one of the guys".
After getting her 3rd speeding ticket, her father (who happens to be a cop) makes her get a job to pay it off. The job she gets isn't what she expected, working in a cute clothing store she has to wear the clothes from, which are so opposite from her usual t-shirt and jeans. Through this job she meets some new friends and becomes a different person, someone she believes they'd like better then the less girly more tomboy version of herself.
Then there's her neighbor, and long time friend who has basically been her forth brother for the past twelve years. Braden and Charlie develop a new sort of bond as they meet up for late night chats after Braden's father goes on one of his drinking binges and Charlie awakes from another nightmare of her mothers death.
They tell eachother things they never would during the time away from their fence, and slowly but surely it starts to affect their daily lives.
In her other life at the boutique she wears makeup, fancy clothes and hangs out with girls that do the same. On one of these outings she meets Evan and he asks her out. In effort to keep up her girly persona she lets him explain sports to her, sits on the sidelines at a game that she'd typically be a part of, until Braden shatters the illusion. Spilling her secret about being a huge sports fan. In an effort to prove to her that guys like her the way she is he yells in the middle of the field for all these guys she's been playing with for years to raise their hands if they'd ever ask her out if her brothers hadn't have threatened them to stay away...when all of them do she's sort of thrown off by it. Always seeing her brothers hit on girls like the one she's trying to be, and always thinking of herself as one of the guys she never thought they'd go for her if she were not to change.
With all this boy and life drama happening, the nightmares are continuing...but somehow they are getting more clear in a way that confuses her. She sees herself in the car with her mother during the crash. The crash that was cause by...nothing?
After returning from a week long soccer camp everything has changed..
1. Braden is with her friend Amanda who she stupidly introduced him to
2. Her dad found out about her modeling for her store
3. She's still unsure what really happened the night of the accident...she's unsure of her mom entirely.
After her dad forces her to leave work she gets him to tell her what really happened. Truth is, her mother was not well, she was suicidal, and that night she was successful and nearly took Charlie with her.
With that to wrap her mind around Charlie stays inside, her brothers leave her alone to process it, but Braden shows up. Unaware that she now knows the truth. They play a little one on one which turns a bit rough, landing Braden on top of Charlie, perfect position to kiss her, which is what he does.
1. Braden is not with Amanda, he's in love with Charlie
2. Charlie gets her job back (though she is grounded)
3. She finally accepts that though she's mad her mom left willingly, she still has this amazing family.
SOOOOO CUTE! I love these cutesy romantic teenage love stories and Kasie West does them so well!