Pages: 432
Publish Date: April 4, 2013
Publisher: Orchard Books
Genre: YA Dystopian
Series: Yes
Goodreads Rating: 4.14
"It is like two high-speed trains, hurtling towards each other, getting closer and closer to disaster."
― Teri Terry, Fractured
So glad to finally get on to the second book, feels like forever since I read Slatted. But holy shit, I have no idea how to summarize this book and how amazing it is. I read reviews saying that it was predictable...but that's crazy! I found some things obvious but I'm still reeling from this book. The emotions that books like this bring out is overwhelming, it really makes you think and I'm still lost on who is bad and who is good. I cannot wait to finish this trilogy, it is by far one of my favourites. All the characters are captivating and so detailed. Teri Terry is an incredible writer with an extraordinary imagination. I'd recommend this to any dystopian fan.
Fractured does have it's heart fracturing moments...I'm kind of nervous that Shattered is going to shatter my heart.
If Ben dies I swear to god...
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