Wow...I really wasn't sure how I felt about More Than Her, mainly because I was comparing it with More Than This as well as the fact that it ended so badly. But the series has redeemed itself with this book. You know how you read books and the love just completely shatters your ideas on love, that you actually don't think love is a strong enough word for these sorts of feelings. That is what this book has done. I have ZERO faith in finding a guy who loves as deeply and passionately as Logan, or developing a relationship that has no breaking point because you honestly and truly can't live without them. If you want a heartbreaking yet beautiful romance that has no limits, then read all these books! Not only are the books amazing but this author is out of this world, her characters are so relatable, she puts so much humor and fun into her books that makes you smile and it is just so perfect. Please read these books!
“I couldn't tell you why he let me in, or what it was about me, or about us, that led him to believe that it was okay for us to fall in love the way we did. The kind of insanely deep, destructive love.
Edition: Hardcover Pages: 375 Publish Date: July 10, 2012 Publisher: Simon and Schuster Genre: Young Adult Dystopian Series: Yes Goodreads Rating: 3.67 (4,347 ratings) Oh. My. Goodness. This was such an amazing opener for this trilogy. And I think, what I love most is that it doesn't have some heartbreaking cliffhanger, mainly because I can't afford the next two books until Christmas. Though I want to continue reading it and fully intend too, I appreciate the lack of intense pressure. I want to somehow summarize this without giving much away. Basically this trilogy follows Alenna, a 16 year old orphan living in the UNA, expecting no problem with her upcoming personality test. The test that determines any future violence. Even with all her doubts she awakes on Island Alpha. The Wheel, where the Forsaken are banished and the life expectancy is only 18. Alenna learns the ways of the one standing free village, against the Monk Drones. Following with their plan to venture into uncharted territory on the Wheel, Alenna goes along. Hoping to find remnants of her parents who were taken when she was ten. The things she weren't expecting to find on this island, is a family. Friends. and Love. Through the adventure, Alenna makes it through and off the island with Liam, the boy she has fallen for. When the plane they're on - expecting that it was headed to the UNA - crash lands on an Australian sand dune. Finding a large colony of rebels, working towards a takedown of the UNA, as well as Alenna's Mother, alive and well. This is her home for the time being, until The Uprising. “Freedom means more than just struggling to survive.” ― Lisa M. Stasse, The Forsaken
Edition: eBook Pages: 384 Publish Date: September 28, 2012 Publisher: Mira inc Genre: New Adult Contemporary Series: Yes Goodreads Rating: 4.05 (38,514 ratings) I may have gone into this one with higher expectations than I should have. A lot of the friends I have on goodreads gave it 5 star ratings, but in my opinion I didn't truly enjoy it as much as expected. When I was half way through I was just plain anoyed at the back and forth sexual tension, usually that's the fun part, but not knowing what their underlying issues were until like 3/4 of the way through just make the characters seem annoyingly bipolar. Even after learning their history's I didn't feel as drawn to the character or their story. Though Chelsea's writing style was great, and had some interesting supporting characters I just didn't have as much interest as I had hoped. In summary, this book follows Taylor and Hunter, who unexpectedly end up sharing a room in their college apartment with 2 of Taylor's girlfriends. The attraction is their, but they both have issues keeping them apart. Taylor has a wild temper that she developed after having been attacked when she was a kid. She uses this temper that labelled her "ice queen" to keep people at a distance. But that doesn't work with Hunter. After becoming an orphan after his parents died by murder/suicide by his father, Hunter had never expected to ever find love. With Taylor's anger at it's peek, she punches him during their first encounter as he propositions a love or hate bet. She has to prove she either loves him, or hates him, for him to move out. Slowly developing a good but secretive friendship with him, Taylor refuses to cop to any form of attraction for Hunter. Even after meeting his family she still can't wrap her head around being with someone in that way. But eventually Hunter wares her down, with his amazing luck, whit, and hot bod, she finally gives in. He helps her through the pain she endures at the potential parole of the man who attacked her as a child, and she helps him realize that he can't live in the past or take the expected or easy rode. In the end Hunter does move out of their dorm, but he takes Taylor with him. Overall I with give this book between 2.5 and 3 stars, the second half was more captivating and romantic, but the first half really brought it down. Thanks for reading!
Edition: eBook Pages: 333 Publish Date: February 18, 2014 Publisher: Intermix Genre: New Adult Romance Series: No Goodreads Rating: 4.20 (36,419 ratings) Unbelievably sexy. I honestly don't know what else to say. That basically sums it up. Not only was it hot but it also had an amazing back story for both main characters. despite all they went through, his bullying her and troubled pasts, she still was drawn to him, and would always love the boy she once knew. But the fact that she finds him again, and falls in love with the new Jared, is just amazing. And it was just amazingly sexy. Read it.
Edition: Paperback Pages: 305 Publish Date: April 21, 2014 Publisher: Blvnp Inc Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Series: No Goodreads Rating: 4.55 (541 ratings) This is truly one of those feel good, nostalgic, heartwarming, hot-chocolate-on-a-winters-night kind of books. Following the adorable friendship between two 17 year olds who have had their share of terrible losses. With so much hurt in their hearts they somehow find love, despite the fear of losing one another. Throughout the books they experience more loss, the hurt caused by others, and the near loss of one another. But in the end, they both get their happily ever after. Friends more like family, and best friends become the love of your life. This is going to be one of those books that I look back on and can't help but smile. Jasmine Rose has remarkable talent and I am so thrilled to have finally read her first and hopefully not her last book.
Edition: eBook Pages: 315 Publish Date: November 18, 2013 Publisher: Independent Genre: New Adult Romance Series: Yes/Companion Goodreads Rating: 4.24 (6,307 ratings) So it's been a while since I read the first book in this series but I've had this book forever and finally decided to read it. I usually avoid books that are companions to others, cause I always compare it to the first book, and yes I still love More Than This more than this book. But only by a bit. This story follows 2 members from the same group of friends as More Than This. Logan, Jake's best friend, and Amanda, who started off as the random girl he asked out in a diner a year earlier, and is now in with the girls in Logan's group of friends. What I love about this book is there really is a lot of drama, it's like a soap opera but not cheesy, just fucking amazing. It's hard to explain the ups and downs in this relationship. All I can really say is that it is definitely worth the read, and with a cliffhanger like that you'll need to have the 3rd book More Than Him on hand. “I can't give you much, or anything at all. But when I say those words to you, it won't just be words—It will be me giving you something that means something. And you deserve to know that, to feel that. So please, let me be the first to say it—because I need to be able to at least give you that...and when I do—those three words will be yours, forever. And so will I.” ― Jay McLean, More Than Her
Edition: Paperback Pages: 448 Publish Date: September 6, 2011 Publisher: Harper Teen Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Series: No Goodreads Rating: 3.78 (5,851 ratings) Overall it was a moving and very true to life story. The dynamic between Laurel and David both in their relationship and how they both deal individually with the tragedy that tears apart both of their lives. For a book with so much filler throughout the 448 pages I thought it could have had a more detailed ending. Though I was overall very happy with the story and moved by the general idea, I found a lot of the characters were rather uninteresting and frankly kind of pointless, and the story dragged on to the point where I was just skimming through half the time. This book has many good ideas and an emotional story with a rather happy ending, as well as a cute love story between David and Laurel, but I wasn't all that in love with it.
Edition: Ebook Pages: 223 Publish Date: April 23, 2013 Publisher: Harper Collins Genre: New Adult Romance Series: Yes Goodreads Rating: 4.27 (19,359 ratings) The. Best. Love story. EVER. These three books, Crash, Clash, and Crush have been mesmerizing, beautiful, and just down right amazing. I've said forever that Hopeless by Colleen Hoover was my all time #1 favourite book, but this series has got her beet. “It wasn't so much what made me fall in love with him... It was more that I couldn't not fall in love with him.” ― Nicole Williams, Crush In the third and final book it is three years after the proposal. Lucy is in her final year of college and Jude has just been drafted into the NFL. At 21 Lucy is feeling like things are moving extremely fast. With all these life choices she's looking for some control. So with three years of being engaged she still refuses to get married, her answer always being "someday" or "soon". And after landing a job the summer before her senior year she meets Anton. A cocky multimillionaire, her best friend India's brother, and he is now her new boss. With Jude across the country and them still making things work, Anton is determined to change her mind. Twisting her words to convince her that she's be better off without Jude, and of course, with Anton. Things get even more complex when Lucy discovers that she is 4 months pregnant. With all this stress and fear she keeps this a secret for 2 weeks, until Anton makes a move on her and she being her usual self, slaps that asshole across the face and quits her job. Immediately following this Lucy calls Jude begging him to come home and so he does. And accidentally finds her positive pregnancy test. Thinking the worst of her keeping it from him Jude not only accuses her of doubting his abilities of being a father (considering what his father was like) but of the baby not being his. Days later with no phone calls or texts, Lucy caves at her first ultrasound appointment and texts him with the location and that she was sorry and loves him. With tears in her eyes as she sees her baby for the first time, Jude walks through the door, asking her if he's too late. Taking his hand in hers they watch the image of their baby girl and Jude cries for the first time ever. With their problems sorted, Jude asks for the final time for her to marry him. And to his shock she agrees, right then and there, they head strait for the hospital chapel and are finally husband and wife, even consummating the marriage in a spare hospital bed. After all this, the epilogue is just the cherry on top of all three books. With that boy who thought he'd have no future, standing at the 50 yard line holding his baby girl, and smiling to his wife, that girl he never thought he could have. “My life wasn’t how I planned it would be. It wasn’t even close. It was a thousand times better.” ― Nicole Williams, Crush
Edition: Paperback Pages: 304 Publish Date: May 28, 2013 Publisher: Square Fish Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Series: Yes Goodreads Rating: 4.05 (11,051 ratings) Wow, after that ending in Of Poseidon I had to go out and buy Of Triton immediately. And this series just got better. In the first book Emma learns of her abilities, falls in love, but is still left with so many questions. In Of Triton you get all the answers. Learning that her Mother is the lost Poseidon princess makes things somewhat complicated to start. And then when they figure out their personal problems they have the issues going on in Syrena to worry about. Some power hungry Syrena is trying to steal the thrown and is using everything that has happened against the Royals. I love a good power struggle, especially when the good guys win and make the villain look a fool. There is still that unmistakable Anna Banks humour, along with this iirresistibleromance, not only with the main characters but the supporting ones as well. After reading the synopsis of Of Neptune I don't feel as pressured to read it because it seems more of a "what happens after" like a full book epilogue of what's to come for Emma and Galen after they braved through the disasters. Because of this and despite my interest in reading it, I'm not going to do so very soon, I bought the first two in paperback, and Of Neptune doesn't come in paperback until June of next year :( so I will wait it out until then. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this series as much as I have.
Edition: Paperback Pages: 324 Publish Date: May 1, 2012 Publisher: Square Fish Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Series: Yes Goodreads Rating: 4.07 (27,094 ratings) This is now my second fantasy book and I freaking loved it! In summary this book follows Emma McIntosh, your average highschooler who somehow attracts attention of the gorgeous Galen, who just so happens to be a Syrena (MERMAID) prince. Knowledge that Emma may be the key to the Syrena's future changes everything in her life. But which half? Either way the whole of her has fallen in love with Galen, though he's supposed to bring her to his brother if she has the gift (which she does) but with a change in circumstances he believes he will get to be with Emma. Until this secret shatters everything, Emma's Mother is Grom's missing mate who supposedly died years ago.
So it's a crummy summary but it's a really good book. The love story is adorable, it has some hilarious moments, and come on it's a book about mermaids! Now on to the next book!!
Edition: eBook Pages: 389 Publish Date: January 1, 2013 Publisher: Forever Genre: New Adult Romance Series: Yes Goodreads Rating: 4.00 (20,990 ratings) I love a good road trip book, but this duology is so much more. I loved the first book The Edge of Never and this book was just as spectacular and life changing as the first. This follows after Andrew's surgery and recovery, yes it is very predictable within the summary and knowing that Camryn is pregnant that the tragedy is in fact her losing the baby. As a way to cope, Andrew takes her on another spontaneous road trip after catching her way of coping through high doses of pain pills. Both books are so centered on personal growth that it's not only an amazing love story but has a lot of life lessons that will make you look at your life so differently...I live close to an airport so this book is not a good influence on me, making me want to just hop on a plane in hopes of meeting an attractive and outgoing guy like Andrew. Totally my new book boyfriend. In the end though it's just as happy as you expect, they finally get marries buy a house in Reighly and have a baby, named Lily. With no intention of settling down forever they take their adventures with Lily as a todler before she starts school. What I found so adorable was the endings from each characters perspectives, and I don't just mean Camryn's and Andrew's but in the Epilogue 13 years later from Lily. These books are a must read, and if you don't believe in fate or soul mates then you need to read these books, they will change your mind entirely. (as much as I'd love to quote every part part of this book, this one's my favourite) “I really do forget about everything. Because that’s what a moment like this does to you. It makes you feel like something so small inside of something so massive that it’s beyond comprehension. It strips away all of your problems, all of your hardships, all of your worldly needs and wants and desires, forcing you to realize just how insignificant all of it really is. It’s like the Earth becomes completely silent and still, and all that your mind can understand or feel is the vastness of the Universe and you gasp thinking about your place within it. Who needs psychiatrists? Who needs grief counselors and life coaches and motivational speakers? Fuck all that. Just stare at the night sky and let yourself get lost in it every now and then.” ― J.A. Redmerski, The Edge of Always