Pages: 218
Publish Date: January 1, 2013
Publisher: Forever
Genre: New Adult Romance
Series: Companion Series
Goodreads Rating: 4.13 (21,118 ratings)
I'm going to be real honest here. Cause I've looked at ratings and reviews for this book and it seems to be a love/hate sort of thing. And those who hate it seemed to find either it was lacking in comparison to Jessica's other books or because they found Ella someone who has gone through mental illnesses with similar affects I found this books and the character of Ella very relatable, though my Micha didn't stick around through the hard stuff which is why I loved this book so much.
First, note that if your haven't read The Secret of Ella and Micha you need to do so now as this is the second installment in The Secret series. The story continues as it left off, Ella struggling with her past and unable to see a future, especialy with Micha on tour with his band and her at college. The long distance thing doesn't seem as easy as she had thought.
After a talk with her father (who's a drunk recently failed his stint in rehab) where he tells her that he wishes he bailed, because dealing with her mother was too much. Ella still feels the similarities between her and her mother, and fears that if she doens't let Micha go he's just going to resent her and wish he had left sooner.
After this revelation and returning from her visit to Micha she shuts down. Staying in bed all day, not even bothering to shower. Until Lila her roommate calls Micha to come check on Ella. With her decision made and Micha present to hear it, she tells him they need to end things. When he refuses her excuses she makes up something she knows will hurt him enough that he will walk away, she tells him she cheated on him.
After he leaves he still can't get over her, and despite his drunken attempts he hasn't been with another women. Through a drunken confession of her own, Ella tells Lila that she lied to Micha about cheating. Lila then tells Ethan, who goes to see Micha and sees the wreck that he is and tells him what he knows.
Finally knowing the truth, he confronts her, though she doesn't admit it at first she eventually confesses her lie to him. Though he already knows, he just wanted her to be open and honest with her. Though she's being honest, and still loves him, she needs to get through her demons and she wants to do it without him. Staying "friends" isn't easy, with so much sexual tension it is pretty much impossible.
After much needed therapy Ella is finally healing. But with her demons being sorted out, Micha needs her to help him with his. After his father who abandoned him and his mother when he was a kid and now has a new family, calls him up to tell him that he's sick. It's not a life or death sort of sick but he needs a blood marrow transplant and a blood relative is the best option. This throws Micha off completely, as instead of going to the family he claimed, he chooses to ask the son he left behind to save his ass. But of course Micha does it. With a lot of help from Ella and a lot of booze...too much booze. Realizing it's getting serious as Micha's dad continues to hurt him, Ella confronts him about his drinking. Words are said, and Ella is hurt. bringing back their past, he takes her to the play ground they went to as a child to play Truth. He brings her here to play truth again, asking and answering all kinds of questions, they come to a resolution.
With that rocky start to thier Christmas break with their families it can only go up from here...right? Christmas dinner is filled with things they are thankful for, a sober dad, presents that may or not be accepted, but a whole lot of love and little conflict.
After recieving the gift from his mom, Micha knows that he's ready, but Ella isn't. Coming up with the perfect solution...Sitting her down and putting the small velvet box in her shaking hand he tells her that it doesn't have to be now. He just need the knowledge that when she is ready she'll know that he is all in, and she has to do is put the ring on the right finger.
Months later, after accepting a recording contract, Micha and Ella move to LA, it's a big step, new school, new jobs, new life, living together. But their ready to take it on together. It's a simple as jumping on the edge on slipping the engagement ring on the right finger.
I absolutely loved this book, personally I prefered it over the first. Though I will always love Callie and Kayden's story more, this one was just as powerful and beautiful.
“I think the people who go through more can end up stronger in the long run. They have insight in to what a lot of people don’t have and a better understanding—they can be more open-minded. - Ella's mother”
― Jessica Sorensen, The Forever of Ella and Micha
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