Sunday, 5 October 2014

Review: With This Heart by R.S. Grey

Edition: eBook
Pages: 318
Publish Date: March 25, 2014
Publisher: Create Space Independent 
Genre: New Adult Romance
Series: No
Goodreads Rating: 4.25 (3,358 ratings)

Overall I did enjoy this story, it had a lot of sadness and death but most of all it had a beautiful love story. There's something about two complete strangers trusting eachother enough to go on a road trip together and give eachother their hearts. 

In summary this book follows Abby Mae McAllister as she finds her own way to live the life she was given after accepting that she wouldn't have had any life at all without this heart. 
With overprotective parents and a slew of doctors and meds Abby just needs to get away from it all and scatter the ashes of her past (don't worry it's not her old heart but all the old medical papers) while finding the family who's son had to die so she could live. 
After meeting Beck as she is in a funeral parlor purchasing an urn for the ashes he somehow weasels his way into her road trip.
And so it begins, the epic journey of Abby's new life, new heart, and first love. 
The trip is cut short the first time as Abby's friend who encouraged her to go on the road trip has succumbed to her own illness. Starting the road trip again is hard but with their feelings laid bare Abby and Beck make the journey again, doing exactly what they planned. What they hadn't planned for was Abby beginning to reject her new heart.
After over a week in the hospital and Beck's semester at MIT starting soon Abby makes the decision she's been dreading. Not wanting to hold Beck back from his dreams as her old heart had done to her she lets him go, or forces him more like. 

“Love will make you reckless. It can drag out parts of you that common sense and fear usually keep hidden away. Because love is selfless and selfish.” 

One Year Later...
Abby is as healthy as ever and about to start college at Boston University in a writing course, coincidentally only a few minute walk from the MIT campus.
Making her grand gesture by posting their story and a request to help find Beck all across the MIT campus, she asks him to meet her. And so he does, and they begin again.

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