Pages: 300
Publish Date: September 16, 2014
Publisher: Smashwords
Genre: New Adult Romance
Series: Yes/companion
Goodreads Rating: 4.13 (2,260 ratings)
So the Coincidence series is definitely one of my all time favourites and I am so happy to finally have the conclusion for both Callie and Kayden's story and now Violet and Luke.
Jessica Sorensen always develops characters with alarmingly troubled pasts, in this case Violet, a foster kid who's family was murdered when she was five while she was in the house. The case went unsolved as she was jumping from foster home to foster home, finally landing in a bad spot living with a drug dealer who makes her deal for him, but hey she's going to college and has a roof over her head. That's when she meets Luke, and his life is anything but perfect, A troubled childhood with a drug addict mother, a runaway father, and sister who took her own life.
After they both find eachother it is an odd yet passionate love that neither one will admit to.
But when secrets come out about how their pasts are intertwined is when things fall apart.
But now in the last book, Violet and Luke are struggling to find normalcy while his mother, who was a part of violets family's murder is on the run, Preston, Violets foster parent who may have had a part in the murder as well is now stalking her with threatening texts. They are falling apart. The story of the love between a murderers son and the deceased family's daughter has taken wind with reporters and they're still together, trying to make their way though it all.
After Violet's panicked done of adrenaline nearly leads to her own death and Luke's Mother is finally brought in, Luke confesses his feelings for her. And that he won't leave her not just because he wants her to be safe but because he is madly in love with her and can't let her go.
Violet smartens up after that, finding ways to talk out how she feels rather than getting hammered or doing something dangerous. But when it comes to how she feels for Luke, it takes a while, but she finally accepts it, in the midst of all the chaos around them and her fear of love and loss, she tells him that she loves him.
I was so thrilled with this conclusion, though it was obvious that Mira (Luke's mother) was a part of the murder, Preston's involvement was more surprising, since it was Preston's father who actually killed Violet's family, and shortly after he took his own life, Preston developed a sick obsession with Violet and planned to take out his revenge on her. It all finished with them both behind bars, many more happy moments between all the character throughout the Coincidence series, and finally the proposal, just the way Violet imagined it.
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