Edition: Hardcover
Pages: 371
Publish Date: January 29, 2013
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Genre: Young Adult Dystopian
Series: Legend
Goodreads Rating: 4.31 (78,666 ratings)
So I don't even know how to rate this book. As much as I want to give it 5 stars for the last few chapters, the fact that I was bored as hell through 3/4 of the book makes that impossible. I'm not even sure if I can give it 4 stars...
This installment follows Day and June after their escape from Day's execution. Receiving more help from the patriots to fix Day's leg after he was shot, and begin to follow the patriots in their plan to assassinate the new Elector Premo, Anden.
At first it seems perfect, but June is still skeptical. And after Day and June are separated and June is placed back in the Republic to set up the Elector, she is even more skeptical of what this is all really about.
The new elector wants to take apart everything his father built- The trials, the plagues, the mass murders, the entire war.
June manages to stop the assassination with Day's help. But after words from Tess manipulated Day's trust in June the true feelings come out about eachothers hands in both Day's mothers murder, and June's Brothers.
All of which is easily forgiven after June falls ill and they flee to the colonies. This is where he learns of a broadcast about his brother Eden being released, and an old patriot/colony friend confirms all that June suspected.
The Elector wants to change the republic for the better.
Razor was hired to assassinate the elector within the patriots to move in as new elector and destroy the patriots.
After returning and finding the Colonists trying to imprison June from her hospital room, Day and Kaede rescue her and flee back to the Republic.
After undergoing tests, June is finally getting better, but Day is not so lucky.
Discovering that even though he didn't die before from what happened to him after his trials, he will eventually die from it. After realizing this, and that June is up to being the Princeps to the new elector (Princeps basically means fiance or soon-to-be wife) Day chooses to give her up.
"He is beauty, inside and out.
He is the silver lining in a world of darkness.
He is my light." - June
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