Pages: 800
Publish Date: January 3, 2013
Publisher: Entangled teen
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Series: Lux
Goodreads Rating: 4.70 (1,821 ratings)
Okay, this was one of the first books I got on my recommendations on goodreads and I completely ignored it because of the god awful cover and the synopsis, unaware that I actually enjoy a good supernatural book.
And this was flippin' amazing! I love the push and pull between Daemon and Katy and I'm just dying for more!
I've loved Jennifer L. Armentrout's New Adult books and now I'm in love with her YA Fantasy as well. Like I literally spent my whole day off reading this and watching youtube video's about the top 14 of 2014. I wish I had the day off tomorrow to read all of Onyx.
Onyx: FINALLY! you know the push and pull was really hot and intriguing but they admitted they loved eachother! It wasn't all alien bond but real love. But now that they've admitted it I'm kind of scared for the inevitable fall out...I kind of hoped they'd drag out the sexual tension like they do in TV shows because the whole coming together is what everyone wait for. And now I'm waiting for it to all fall apart.
One thing that I love is that the alien bond is a you die I die sort of thing. So I have full faith that neither of them are going to die. But *spoilers alert* Dee's boyfriend dies! That was heart breaking. But we've got Dawson back! He's alive!!
Everything is just peachy atm, except for vengeful Arum, and DOD officers, crazy stupid Mutated humans who work for the DOD (Brian, or Bo, or whatever his name was...fuckin' asshole)
Since I ahve all the books already I don't anticipate that I'll be holding off between all these books. Probably just going to marathon the whole thing since I have 4 DAYS OFF! Woooohoooo reading sprint!
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