Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Coffee Book Tag

1. Black: Name a series that’s tough to get into but has hardcore fans.

This is totally an unpopular opinion, but I made the mistake of seeing the movies first, so when I read the books it was hard to stay focused when I knew what was about to happen.

2. Peppermint mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.

I'm not entirely sure about this one, but I always feel nostalgic around the holidays, either reading classics or books from my childhood.

3. Hot chocolate: What is your favorite children’s book?

Love the book and love the movie. My old copy of this is so well used the pages fan out all on their own.

4. Double shot of espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Two entirely different genres but both had me practically hyperventilating by the end

5. Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.

I'd go with The Fault in our stars but I wanted to share the fact that despite seeing this book everywhere (including in my Kobo library) I have still yet to read it.

6. That hipster coffee shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout.

Such an amazing book!!!!!!

7. Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.

Loved Of Poseidon, and Of Triton, but this one was just plane awful.

8. The perfect blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.


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