Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Review: Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott

2954411Edition: ebook
Pages: 176
Publish Date: September 2, 2008
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Genre: YA Contemporary
Series: No
Goodreads Rating: 3.84 (20,194 ratings)

After reading stolen by Lucy Christopher and hating it, I thought I'd give another similar book a try. Especially since one of my favourite booktubers LittleBookOwl loved this book. But I myself, again, hated it. 
I don't know if it's just too hard to comprehend what goes through someones mind in captivity but it's just way too disturbing to enjoy. Overall I'm very glad this was a short book because there's no way I would have been able to get through any more of it. I truly disliked/hated all characters in this book, and especially the ending, and everything leading up to it. It's just a sad story that left me wondering why I bothered reading it.

This ends all further ideas about trying another kidnap/Stockholm syndrome books. my apologies to those who love these style books, but they are definitely not my cup of tea.

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